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What Are the Advantages of Using Online Trading Platforms?

  • 19 November 2019

Traditionally, trading meant finding stock broker companies or share market brokers, consulting them and investing your money after doing so. Every time, you had to update your investment, you had to contact the broker and wait for final modifications. Such a hassle, right?

Best Markets for Beginner Traders

  • 19 November 2019

As a beginner interested in trading, you may be confused about the huge market options in front of you. There are many different trading markets that even seasoned traders are yet to explore. So, when you are just starting out as a new trader, it is best to choose a few trading markets, observe and analyze them, and then make prudent investment options.

What to Look for When Choosing the Right Trading Platform

  • 15 October 2019

In this age of the Internet and smartphones, buying and trading stocks has become easier and more convenient than before. There are all kinds of websites and apps where you can create your own trading account and start investing in stocks that you think can offer high returns. The question is, how do you pick the right platform?

7 things you need to know about a DEMAT Account

  • 11 October 2019

A DEMAT Account is similar to a bank account in which you hold deposits while the bank records the credit and debit of that account for you.

Build an equity-heavy portfolio to meet child’s education or marriage goal

  • 29 October 2018

Only this will ensure that you are able to meet the escalation in costs over a 15-20 year horizon

Adopt a safety-first principle in debt funds

  • 05 October 2018

At present you should stick to funds that avoid both duration risk and credit risk ?

Keep your SIPs going

  • 24 September 2018

It is when the markets decline that you reap the real benefit of SIP by being able to buy more units of a fund

Avoid NFOs, stick to tried and tested funds

  • 05 September 2018

If you go to the Association of Mutual Funds in India (Amfi) website, you will be able to see the list of new fund offers (NFO) that are currently available ( Your friendly neighbourhood mutual fund agent may also be pestering you to buy a hot new fund which, according to him, has great prospects. Before investing in an NFO, you should do a little research.

Taxation Simplified for Traders

  • 09 July 2018

Taxation in leu of gains from trading or investing in shares is somewhat complex. SAS Online has made an attempt to simplify it for the taxpayers. Before you can figure out how much to shell off as the tax you must first decide whether you are a trader or an investor.

4 Money Management Rules

  • 07 December 2017

As trading is an enterprise to make a profit in an atmosphere of wide-ranging probabilities, a flexible approach is a must. Therefore, the following four rules are not supposed to be taken as sort of traffic rules that need strict adhering to.