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ETF (Exchange-Traded Funds) Vs MF (Mutual Funds) - Which one to choose?

  • Wednesday, 18 January 2023
ETF (Exchange-Traded Funds) Vs MF (Mutual Funds) - Which one to choose?

ETFs (exchange-traded funds) AND Mutual Funds (MFs) are increasingly popular mode of investments for many reasons.

Let’s Discuss Similarity, Differences and which product holds the edge - 

Similarity - 

  • Structure - Biggest similarity: both represent managed "baskets" or "pools" of individual securities, for example stocks or bonds.

  • Exposure opportunity - ETFs (exchange-traded funds) and mutual funds both offer exposure to a wide variety of asset classes and niche markets. 

They generally provide more diversification than a single stock or bond, and they can be used to create a diversified portfolio.

Differences wrt Edge on ETF - 

  • Expense Ratio

Expense ratio indicates how much of your investment in a fund will be deducted as fees

This is the biggest difference between ETF AND MF

Mutual Funds are considered much more expensive when compared with ETFs

Expense Ratio of actively managed mutual fund is approximately 1% - 2.5%

Expense ratio of ETFs ranges between 0.01% to 0.03%  which is 10 times less than mutual funds

For more information watch this Video - Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) or Mutual Fund - Which is better for you? | SAS Online

How to trade in ETF stocks?

To trade in an ETF, you need to open a Trading And Demat Account with a trusted broker like SAS Online. 

Happy Trading with SAS Online - BY TRADERS FOR TRADERS


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